Patwari written exam date is 24 may 2013. This written exam will be conducted for district wise post of Patwari. Application form fee for general and obc candidates will be 250 and for sc/st candidates application form fee will be just 75 rs only. Patwari written exam question paper will carry total 300 marks. Question paper will consist 150 questions from Hindi. Math , general knowledge etc.
Apply only those districts for where you want your examination center and want to do job on that district. Your eligibility will be considered in only those districts from where you participated in the examination. And you will be appointed only that district for where you filed the application form. 30% seats are reserved for women candidates.
Education Qualification: 10+2 or senior secondary examination pass or its equivalent. complete knowledge of Hindi and Rajasthani languages will be desirable qualification
Application form : for Patwari post , all eligible candidates are advised to fill online application form. You can fill application form by own self or by the hel of Keyyosk. No hard copy of application form will be accepted.
Apply only those districts for where you want your examination center and want to do job on that district. Your eligibility will be considered in only those districts from where you participated in the examination. And you will be appointed only that district for where you filed the application form. 30% seats are reserved for women candidates.
Education Qualification: 10+2 or senior secondary examination pass or its equivalent. complete knowledge of Hindi and Rajasthani languages will be desirable qualification
Application form : for Patwari post , all eligible candidates are advised to fill online application form. You can fill application form by own self or by the hel of Keyyosk. No hard copy of application form will be accepted.
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